Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Prayers Needed!

This sweet and precious baby girl, Kalea needs your prayers!
She is the daughter and grand daughter of a very good friend of mine and also Roxy's.
Please read Roxy's Blog here: Prayers for Kalea
And this is what Roxy has shared:
Hello Sweet Blogging Sister's

Please help!
This sweet precious little girl needs prayer!
Her name is Kalea.
She is one month old.
She has a vitamin K deficiency.
Her symptoms;
Bleeding on the brain.
Seizures that have been controlled by medication.
Retaining fluid

Kalea's Momma and Daddy have asked
for prayer!

Dear Friends, I ask that once again you as the Body of Christ,
Women, wives and Mommas, and as my sister in Christ,
Would you please pray for Kalea.

We all want to see a Christmas Miracle!!
Let's believe God for Kalea to come home!!

I thank you!
Every Mommas heart cry is the same the whole world wide!
Jesus loves the little children!

Please help us....
If you would share this Prayer Request on your Blog,
For this is urgent!

Please pray for Kalea,
For quick healing and for a Christmas Miracle to
bring health and healing to her body!!
Thank you Prayer Warriors!

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