Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Shh...Quiet Time

We all need to have quiet time, don't we?

I am, in general a very quiet, keep to myself kind of gal.

I think it's important as moms, wives and women in general
to have quiet times through out our busy days.

If we don't, we feel agitated and worn out.

My life is very busy. 
Trying to raise three boys keeps me
 on my toes at all times!

So.... if you can only imagine or have had this experience, you know
when the house falls silent, you need to worry....

I have come down after quiet time and found
 some interesting messes over the years.
I have found all the cabinets in the kitchen open, 
food on the counter.
Sometimes they were experimenting with food.
Toys scattered everywhere!
Older brother setting on his younger brothers. 
 Hogged tied on the ground.

And, I needed quiet time, WHY?!

I do think that on occasion.
But could you imagine if I didn't take 
10 minutes to my self what the outcome 
of my day would be?

Pure and udder Chaos!
 Nope, I choose quiet time and I do keep
 one ear and eye open
just in case...

Take time for yourself today!

Hugs and Blessings,


Sylvia said...

Yes, we do need quiet time, I had 3 girls so it was not too bad. Today even though it is only my hubby and myself,I still need that time alone.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, I remember babysitting my nieces/nephews and being really suspicious when they were quiet!
Even with just the two of us, we often "go to our separate corners of the house" to have quiet time.
I especially value the early morning quiet time with the Lord.
God bless your day.

Pam said...

It is so true Amy. It is such a mixed thing when you are raising kids... you do need that quiet time, and then if it is too quiet, you can't relax, because something seems wrong, and often is; haha. Did you see Himilce and Nathan's video they made for Mops? It was so cute, and pretty much pictured what you just described. You ought to pop over and see it on facebook. But yes, you must have that quiet time. I know that I always had a quiet time for all of us when the kids were growing up. It helped settle the kids down as well as myself, and gave me enough strength to finish the day; I still like my quiet time, even though I don't have little ones anymore. Just a need of my own personality, which is a little like yours. Love seeing you post, and have missed you. I will see you tomorrow with dinner.
Love and Blessings,

Finding Joy said...

Its always nice to have some time to your self - its just my husband and I now and the house is much quieter without our boys, I play music to break up the silences sometimes :)

Ceil said...

Hi Dear Amy! If anyone needs some 'quiet time' it's you! I love that image you put up, it's so true. I know in my young mom days, a little noise was the acceptable level. Too loud or too noisy is trouble!

Take that cup of coffee up to your room, or on the porch, and drink in the silence with the beverage. We all need that, I agree.
Thinking of you,

Stephanie said...

"I am, in general a very quiet, keep to myself kind of gal." I am just like you, my friend :)

Thank you for this post and the thoughts. I have been thinking of you and remembering you in my prayers - I hope you are doing well, sweet Amy!

Love and hugs to you!

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

Every day at 1:00 I made my children lie down in their beds for an hour. Naptime when they were little, reading or looking at books when they were older.

It wasn't easy training them, but I did it. It was child abuse prevention hour!

Naps until they were about 8. As they grew older, it was time for an hour of reading.

As a result, all my four children love to read!


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